This card makes sense to me this evening, and in drawing it, it's wash of blue was very healing. After a confrontation with a neighbour and some other unconnected issues which got me down, it seemed to be appropriate to go in yet another search for the Queen of Cups. I returned to the same possible model I had on a few occasions already. By chance, I received a message from her on my phone this evening. I am sure it was a sign.
For this card, I have chosen Jo. Jo and I go back to my university days, but we met that little bit earlier when she came to see my Foundation fashion show at art college. By the exit, just before she left, she quickly introduced herself to me and said she would see me at fashion school. It was the beginning of our friendship.
As with the last card I spoke about here, this queen has light and dark aspects. When ill-dignified in a reading (influenced by less positive cards), she can become over-emotional and withdrawn. This can lead her to turn inwards and dwell on those things which are not working. But when positively aspected, she becomes an alluring, receptive and loyal friend or lover. She will make you laugh during the fun times and provide an ear and shoulder when situations are bleak. I chose Jo as this queen, due to her sensitivity and compassion. Being receptive, as this queen is, she is someone who would very rarely lash out and upset others, but can be easily hurt or emotionally wounded herself. Think Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe. The Queen of Cups is a figure of great intrigue and mystery. Where as the other queens live with their feet firmly in the real world, this creative lady spends a lot of time in lands of imagination and fantasy.

As with the Page of Swords earlier, the Queen of Cups completes a family. As I surround her with them, I ask the sensitive lads in the cup suit to say hello to their queen. Knowing these guys, I think they would be very happy to accept her into the fold.
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