With this in mind, I had become a little worried that the pack would become 78 portraits, but this morning, in thinking about the 6 of Pentacles, I feel that in most cases, the subtlety of limited symbols is enough. Besides, once you get to know the many faces in this tarot, their unique personalities could feasibly talk to any reader.
In the 6 of Pentacles, a young man sits at a table. In front of him is a beaker. Despite the fact that this card is grounded in the element of earth, this man is sensitive and has a creative mind. He thinks of more than just himself.
In Waite's traditional card, a merchant is shown passing coins to two beggars. In mine, just a simple cup joins the young man with whoever has drawn the card. It has two straws. One for him, and one for someone else. Either we are sharing our drink with him, or he has chosen to share his with us. The 6 of Pentacles is a card of generosity, charity, giving, and receiving.
For this card, I have chosen my friend, Anthony. We met through the internet over a year ago, but have been speaking online for much longer. He has a cheerful and warm personality, and with a great deal of passion in both art and music, has much to share. For our first meeting, he made me a CD of some of his favourite music. And that wasn't all he gifted me on that day. As well as another present, he also treated me to dinner, which I was very touched by.
When the 6 of Pentacles turns up in readings, it notes acts of sharing. This sharing does not always have to be about money. It might be our precious time that we choose to offer another person, or it might be a situation which requires compromise. When the card arrives, it either highlights something of need which we will soon receive, or asks us to look at what we have and can spare. With that in mind, I hope that this card's model accepts this illustration as a thank-you for the kindness and generosity he showed me on our first meeting.
I really like this kind of totemic symbolism... I mean this in a totally non-offensive way, have a look at this...
It's Share Bear! I hope that she doesn't piss on your party, I was just reminded of it from my childhood! Speak to ya soon sir!
No offense taken. Made me smile, Robert. And I liked the comparison. Thanks for 'sharing' it with me ;) Talk soon x
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