Sunday, 7 June 2009

Emotional Support

The King of Cups is mature and consistent support. With a little age and experience behind him, this king knows what to say and how to listen. We can often find him in professions where he might offer counselling or some other way of working with emotions.

Thinking about the King of Cups this morning, I sent an email to a friend, asking him if I could use him as a model for my illustration. In this technological age, he and I have never met in person, but this does not mean I care for him any less. We were brought together through the study of kabbalah, and from a few simple questions grew an important friendship. Through the power of email, webcam (and on occasion, conversation through a microphone), we have had many laughs. When a close mate of mine died last year, he was also very supportive.

I have chosen this man as the King of Cups because of his sensitivity. During bad times, he has been a sympathetic ear and consistently dependable. This king has learnt to deal with his own emotions, so can help others feel secure through empathy. When I draw this card, I am aware that emotional support is in my environment. It is something I can either choose to administer or receive.

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