In other tarot-related articles, I have always compared the Knight of Pentacles to my ex-boyfriend. He and I were together for five years, and in that time, lived as a couple in three different places. Even though we are no longer in touch now, I still think of him when the Knight of Pentacles turns up in a day or reading.
My ex and I were miles apart in personality. Where as I would jump into something with both feet and hope for the best, he would arduously plan every step to assure it's success. Being inpatient by nature and one to skip the boring details, this frustrated the more spontaneous side of me, as everything took us twice as long to do. Where as I could zip through and clean our flat in an hour, it would take him that long to devise a cleaning schedule before even starting. This difference in one another lead to many an argument. In my mind, he took too long to do anything. And in his, I didn't invest enough time into doing things properly.
But even though my ex-boyfriend's obsessive attention to detail irritated the hell out of me at times, it was also one of the things which I deeply admired in him. Possibly, because it was a quality that I didn't possess myself. I knew that if someone wanted a job done, he would do it to the very best of his ability. How ever dull the challenge was for him, a job done was worth doing properly, and he never cut corners. He was never work-shy and would roll up his sleeves for many a task. I think this is the main reason that he has always been successful within work. He is dependable and hardworking. When the Knight of Pentacles falls into a reading, I think of my ex's characteristics. The card is a good challenge for me, as it often turns up to remind me that some serious graft or planning is needed.
On searching for a fresh model for the card, I came across a friend. Many tarot commentators see this card's energy as being a little on the dull side, but my friend is far from boring. In fact, as my closest friend at university, I probably had the wildest nights [and days] in her company. We partied a lot. And I mean 'a lot'.
But despite the partying, this friend, like my ex, is an incredibly hard worker. As well as spending her early professional days on either her own work or assisting others for unpaid experience, she would then rush off and work behind a bar to make money. In recent times, her effort has brought her exposure and well-deserved success in her career. Like all Knight's of Pentacles, she is far more than an overnight success. She plans, pays attention to detail, and even amongst tight deadlines, always found time to help me with my work when I was having a tantrum with the sewing machine.
I chose to illustrate this card today because it is always useful to remember that things take time. When the Knight of Pentacles turns up, it lets us know that something will manifest, slowly but surely. Every step counts and none should be missed. As someone who has planted seeds here and there in recent times, I must acknowledge, like any gardener, that a full-grown Oak tree is not going to be standing on my doorstep in the morning. Things take time to grow, but consistent nurturing, effort and elbow-grease will ensure results, as both examples here know.
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