Monday 31 August 2009

The First Domino

With being preoccupied by the 9-5 job, I have not had so much time to make it into this blog lately, let alone design more cards. But as the days have passed, I have stacked up a handful of new subjects for my illustrations. I have photographed a landscape for a forthcoming minor card, and for the illustration which accompanies today's entry, I had taken a selection of photos.

I tried today's card out in a few different ways. I wanted to add other elements to the image, but they just didn't work. So in the end, I added only the flash to the tip of the young man's cigarette, since it has strong relevance to my understanding of this particular card.

The Ace of Wands embarks on a new beginning. Imagine tossing a match into a barn. Pretty quickly, it would catch on the hay and spread. Minutes later, you'd have a full fire on your hands. This card is a bit like that. If you think of it as a card of creativity and inspiration, then you'll understand that when it falls into a reading, it is that first domino in a chain of inspirational situations and projects we might be passionate about. People who are described by a card like this are easily excited and consistently throw themselves into things which are new, however risky.

For this illustration, I introduce you to Twydall. I met him some time back when he worked in a cafe, even though the conversation was very brief. We were much later re-introduced in a pub, and since then, have spoken many more times.

Twydall has a very excitable personality. Only recently, he asked me to go and see him perform his poetry. On that occasion, I couldn't make it, but the other week, he gave some friends and I a sampler of his poems. His work is observant, thought out, and cuts to the chase. He communicates well with his audience, and has a great range, allowing them to both laugh at the comedy in his work and ponder on the more reflective aspects. I chose Twydall for this card, because like that fire in the metaphorical barn, where ever he ends up going, I see him becoming far bigger and more impressive than just that single lit match, inspiring others as he grows.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

The Hostess with the Mostest

I always knew who I was going to use as a subject for the Queen of Pentacles (even if there have been a few strong contenders for her crown). Through many readings, I always associated this young woman with the suit of wands, but as time has moved on, I see that it is the earthy queen she resembles the most right now.

Picture our queen standing in her home. She is dressed well. Her clothes are luxurious, accessorised, and fit her like a glove. She is expecting visitors for a small dinner party and you can smell the food she has prepared cooking in her kitchen. Her children are asleep in bed and while she waits for her guests, she samples just one more chocolate from the expensively wrapped box.

This portrait of the queen fits the card's model, Laura, very well. She is the friend who has been in my life for the longest length of time. Laura is grounded very firmly on the material plane. Even though she might not identify herself as financially savvy, she has always been a hard worker and has always been able to support herself and her family - whether there was a partner in her life or not. This said, her decisions are considered carefully and her effort is invested straight into the lives of those she cares for and loves. She is the homemaker, the business-woman and a mother, all rolled into one. If you want a realistic piece of advice, you'd better get yourself over here.

The Queen of Pentacles understands practicality, but she also has a good grasp of luxury too. Even though she would never leave one of her children without, she is tempted by all that glitters. This lady has taste and you will see it's markings in her clothing, interests, the walls of her home, and the food she lays on her table. Physical desires need to be met, but this stretches further than the kind of tea she puts in her pot. Members of the suit of Pentacles have a strong connection to their bodies. They are sensual and enjoy physical contact. This can make them very good lovers. Like fine wine, they appreciate good sex and give their all to a partner whom they care about.

With so many strings to her bow, they don't call this queen the hostess with the mostest for nothing!

Monday 17 August 2009

Say hello to your Queen

The search for a Queen of Cups has been a long one. I have looked through photos, friend lists, and through mate's online albums. I found some people to be too fiery. Some were too matter of fact. And others did not have that certain femininity that this queen possesses.

This card makes sense to me this evening, and in drawing it, it's wash of blue was very healing. After a confrontation with a neighbour and some other unconnected issues which got me down, it seemed to be appropriate to go in yet another search for the Queen of Cups. I returned to the same possible model I had on a few occasions already. By chance, I received a message from her on my phone this evening. I am sure it was a sign.

For this card, I have chosen Jo. Jo and I go back to my university days, but we met that little bit earlier when she came to see my Foundation fashion show at art college. By the exit, just before she left, she quickly introduced herself to me and said she would see me at fashion school. It was the beginning of our friendship.

As with the last card I spoke about here, this queen has light and dark aspects. When ill-dignified in a reading (influenced by less positive cards), she can become over-emotional and withdrawn. This can lead her to turn inwards and dwell on those things which are not working. But when positively aspected, she becomes an alluring, receptive and loyal friend or lover. She will make you laugh during the fun times and provide an ear and shoulder when situations are bleak. I chose Jo as this queen, due to her sensitivity and compassion. Being receptive, as this queen is, she is someone who would very rarely lash out and upset others, but can be easily hurt or emotionally wounded herself. Think Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe. The Queen of Cups is a figure of great intrigue and mystery. Where as the other queens live with their feet firmly in the real world, this creative lady spends a lot of time in lands of imagination and fantasy.

As with the Page of Swords earlier, the Queen of Cups completes a family. As I surround her with them, I ask the sensitive lads in the cup suit to say hello to their queen. Knowing these guys, I think they would be very happy to accept her into the fold.

Bright as a Button

The little girl in this illustration looks out at us from within the frame of her card. She has only recently turned four years old, but don't let this small matter of her young age lead you into making assumptions about her. This little one is as bright as a button and will most definitely keep you on your feet.

The Page of Swords is curious. She is interested in finding things out and will always ask questions. She communicates well and enjoys to talk and use her imagination. Even though she likes spending time alone working things out, she loves to hold a crowd. This little lady can keep us well entertained with her stories and observational wit.

With all tarot cards, there must be balance. Without dark, there can not be light. For all of the pages in this deck, their enthusiasm is balanced by naivety and inexperience, due to their age. The Page of Swords may be inquisitive and eager to learn, but when ill-dignified in a reading, her curiosity can indicate gossiping, underhandedness, or as noted in tarot tradition, a spy. Because this little girl is knowledgeable beyond her years, it makes it that bit easier for her to wind us into her intricate web, should she choose to.

My subject for this card is my friend's daughter, Eva. Even though I have not used any other children for pages in these illustrations, it was difficult to dismiss this one. When I was considering which youth might possess the right sharpness of mind and an ability to hold people's attention, I thought of Eva instantly. Even though so young, she happily soaks up conversation and debate, and anyone meeting her would be foolish to underestimate her level of understanding and social appreciation. But this gift can create problems, as much as being her greatest skill. Even though these airy pages make great students, public speakers and the life-and-soul of any dinner party, they can become bored easily, over-thinkers, and require a great deal of mental stimulation.

One of the satisfying things about getting this card finished today is that it completes a family. All of the 'people' from the suit of Swords are now finished and sit well together. The Knight of Swords sits protectively behind his younger but astute sister. Their strong parents, the king and queen, are here too. A coolness breathes through the four characters as they sit together as one. Knowing each of these people personally, they feel just right as a group, which is satisfying.

As a sideline, I was also thinking about how the cards bear more relationships with one another than what is based in tarot tradition. As an example, the lady who I used as a subject for The Empress also happens to be Eva's mother in real life. This may never have any bearing on a reading, but generally, it will be interesting to see how these real-life characters and their social connections and history plays out amongst one another in spreads.

Sunday 16 August 2009

The Flash of Fire

This card was especially pleasing to do. When I work on these illustrations, they take many hours. I draw each by hand on the screen with a mouse, using photographs as source material. Not all of them go right first time, so it can become quite frustrating on occasion. But while I am locked into the drawing, the person I am studying is pretty much the only thing on my mind. As well as concentrating on every line which makes up their face, I am also thinking about how I can successfully communicate the person's personality to others through my drawing.

Today's subject was pleasing because she and I go back a long way. Right to the early 80s. As the Queen of Wands, let me introduce you to Jennie.

Jennie has an important place in this deck, for she represents the first major shift of direction I took in my teenage years. She is a symbol of my finding an identity and seeking independence.

The two of us met at school when we were both about 14. She may remember it differently, but I am sure our first interactions involved mucking about in religious study lessons. Once introduced, we soon started hanging about at break, sitting next to each other in lessons, meeting up in evenings, and going here, there and everywhere at weekends. We formed a very solid bond, wrote each other secret notes, and shared all of our thoughts and feelings. She was very different to any friend I had known before. She liked to have fun and take risks. She was exciting to be around and for many years, we spend much of our free time together (getting into far more trouble than we should have been and loving every minute).

Jennie could probably take on the role of all four queens in the tarot. She has been sensitive, a hard-worker, and a woman who speaks her mind with strength and conviction. She has changed her career direction as many times as her hair colour, but in all she has done, has remained focused and dedicated. But it is with the Queen of Wands that I wanted to place her in this deck. Mainly due to the memories of those teenage years, which flooded back as I worked on her portrait.

People warm to the Queen of Wands in many ways. As an entertaining and fun type of gal, she draws the interest of those around her, since there is a flash of fire which she channels and it can be very contagious. She knows how to have fun and thrives on new and challenging experiences. As a lover, she is warm, loyal and liberal. All of the members of the wand suit have a strong understanding of their sexuality. They are a very passionate family.

Working on this card has been a little different to the others. In linking my friend to a card, I had to dig further into the past than I have with any of the other models and it has been really warming to think back over those distant years.

The Thinker

This card has been on the back burner for just under a month. The last time I saw the young man it is modeled on, we decided that we would get together for a drink at some point and take some further photos as source material. But since life has been that bit busier in these last few weeks, we haven't managed to hook up, so I began working with what I already had.

I chose this card to work on because it is connected with both the mind and authority. With a new design contract coming up, I really need to engage my brain and remain focused. I cannot allow my emotions to be triggered under pressure or for my social life to find a way of squeezing itself in between me and the new job. This has happened before. The King of Swords understands how to control these things with the power of his mind.

I chose Ben as the subject for this card. We first met in a late bar a while back. I walked over and told him I liked what he was wearing. From that moment, we literally stayed up all night talking and went from the bar to breakfast in the morning. He has a coolness of character about him, which makes sense in using him as a spokesperson for this king. Even though more emotionally rounded than this tarot character, Ben is a deep thinker, and from what I know of him, takes responsibility for and care of his words in the same way as the King of Swords would.

Monday 3 August 2009

The Showman

Whenever I buy a deck, the Knight of Wands is one of the characters I always check out. After using the tarot for many years, the court cards begin to take on their own lives, and when I buy a new deck, it is nice if they are personally recognisable. As with the Knight of Cups, I really needed to get this fiery knight right for these illustrations.

The Knight of Wands is pure fire, through and through. This young man is fun to be around and people always enjoy his company. If you are having a party, you would want this knight near the top on your list of invitations. He might not be the most reliable of gentlemen in the tarot deck, but when he does grace you with his presence, he will keep you more than entertained.

For this card, I have chosen my friend, Robert. Unlike this knight, he is reliable and is successfully committed to both his work and partner. But like the Knight of Wands, he does have a dynamic and magnetic personality. As with the Page of Wands (played out by Lizzie in a recent illustration), Robert is a gifted artist, is enthusiastic, and is driven.

I have known Robert for a good ten years. I am not entirely sure how we first met. I think he may have kindly paid for me to get into a club to see Bad Manners, but I'll have to check that one out to be sure. But from that time, we formed a good friendship - spending many, many nights sitting up chatting at his house - emptying bottles of wine, discussing art, photography and film. We do not see each other as much as we once did, but we do drop each other messages from time to time - often out of interest and praise of each other's artwork.

The Knight of Wands is a showman. He is presentational and has a strong sense of both his identity and sexuality, which makes him quite a character. If you want someone to get a project on it's way, to get a party started, or to add a real spark to your love life, then this knight is your man.

The Wild Card

I have had this card in my head for some time. As with yesterday's illustration of Thijs, I had planned on using a certain person for this card. When another friend from Canada sent me a photograph of her dog, Isabella, the whole set-up for the picture suddenly came together in my mind. The traditional version of this card contains a small dog as the travelers companion.

I am not usually one for re-naming the cards within a tarot pack, but when you are using people who you care about as the models, you hardly want to insensitively label them with a title like The Fool, which is why I have chosen to re-title this particular unnumbered card.

The Fool, or Traveler, as we have here, has no value in the tarot. The card can pop up anywhere and alter a reading. It will provide fresh beginnings at best. At worst, it can be chaotic and hard to tie down.

I have chosen my friend Kate for this image. I have known her for what must be eighteen years now. As a couple of Piceans, we connected well instantly. At the time, neither of us were particularly responsible and lived those days for the moment. Even though still in contact, we do not see each other so regularly these days. However, in the true spirit of this card, when we do meet up, we always have a lot of unpredictable fun and it is as if we had never been apart.

The Traveler is a card of spontaneity. It might advise you to throw a sicky, go on a sneaky shopping trip, or have a day at the coast. If you're relationship has become stale, it might suggest spicing it up and trying something new with your partner. It is about taking a chance. Kate was always someone who would pop up unexpectedly in my life and then disappear just as quickly. Even though an extremely caring and generous person, it might not always be so easy to find her in a time of trauma (even though she would be there for you if she could), but every moment that was spent with her was never wasted.

The Traveller is a character of great excitement and the card suggests we grab an opportunity before it is gone. My friend is now a mother and is enjoying the responsibility it has brought, but knowing her, she still manages to find excitement and possibility in all opportunities, wherever it is she happens to be travelling through.

Sunday 2 August 2009

The Aha Moment

You might call it a flash of inspiration or an 'aha' moment. Or like Archimedes, you might cry 'Eureka' when you have finally managed to figure something out. This is what the Ace of Swords is all about. It is that moment of clarity or mental awareness, cutting through the clouds of doubt or confusion.

I have had a few of these moments in the past week. As well as reading the cards professionally, I often apply for design work, and since Monday, I have had two interviews for a men's underwear position. Beforehand, I needed to put together trend and design boards and research heavily. At the beginning of the week, I really wanted the job and was excited about it, but by Friday, I had one of these Ace of Swords moments. Thinking things through, I realised that the job is not for me.

Because of the current climate, people are snatching at anything they can get, and this job spelt security to me. But I realised that I must look at the bigger picture. I had been so blinded by the pound signs and shiny packaging of the role, that I had not stopped to think about whether it was what I really want for the long term. Through a flash of clarity, I realised it was not. It was like the switching on of a light bulb. As well as beginning to get commissions for artwork and more tarot events booked, it has also been suggested that I take on more creative teaching. I realised that these things were more suitable than the job for which I had applied.

As a design, this card has been sitting on the back burner for some weeks. I welcome my friend, Thijs, back for a second time as a model. While going through his photographs for my Knight of Swords illustration last month, I also came across the one I have used as a resource here. Showing Thijs looking over his shoulder, it made me smile and reminded me of that aha moment I have been speaking of regarding the Ace of Swords. I asked him if he would mind my using him for more than just one card, as I thought the pose would work well with my design handwriting.

So, here we have the Ace of Swords. Embarking on the numbered cards of the Minor Arcana, I wanted them to look a little different from those which have already been created. As I continue with them, they will very likely become more abstract than the court and major cards have already been.